I Had Stomach Surgery How Can I Start Working Out Again

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One of the fundamental steps on the journeying to a successful bariatric surgery feel — both before and after the process — is exercise.

My patients always ask me questions about do. They desire to know if and when they can exercise after bariatric surgery, and what kinds of practise are safe. I reassure them that they nigh certainly tin can, and should, practice once they have weight-loss surgery. Subsequently all, people take bariatric surgery to enjoy better health. And exercise — along with a healthy nutrition — is a necessary complement to surgery.

Hither are some of the virtually mutual questions about exercise that I accost with patients considering bariatric surgery:

Why is exercise important after bariatric surgery?

Practise is one of the tools that volition aid you reach and maintain your best health later on surgery. Being active helps to:

  • Preserve lean muscle mass and muscle force
  • Promote the stability of your joints and raise the strength of your basic
  • Improve the elasticity of your skin after bariatric surgery
  • Proceed your weight loss after surgery — and most importantly — keep the weight off

Another do good of practise that is important to so many of my patients is that it helps them further manage some of their co-existing conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, that prompted them to accept bariatric surgery in the showtime place.

How soon can I do subsequently bariatric surgery, and what precautions should I take?

i. Start with a little movement.

It's common to be sore and uncomfortable immediately later on surgery. But a lilliputian movement, like five to 10 minutes of walking a few times a day, can help put yous on the road to recovery and is recommended by our surgeons.

2. Slowly increase your physical action.

From there, yous can slowly increase your physical activity as you heal. It's more often than not prophylactic to beginning exercising up to your pain threshold 2 weeks after a laparoscopic surgery (where the surgeon makes several small cuts). We do ask patients to avoid heavy lifting in backlog of 10-15 pounds for the first month after surgery.

three. Avoid residual exercises.

Another consequence to exist enlightened of is remainder. Later surgery, your body's center of residuum changes quickly because of all the weight you're losing, and this can impact your stability. In the first 6 months afterward surgery, it's all-time to avoid exercises that depend heavily on balance, such as lunges or squats.

What types of practice are best after bariatric surgery?

We all need 2 kinds of practise, whether we've had weight-loss surgery or not:

  • Aerobic exercise, such equally walking or biking, to become our heart rate upwards
  • Force preparation, such as lifting weights or doing push-ups, to assist us build and maintain muscle and strong bones

Here are some exercise routines I recommend to my patients:

Exercise Options After Bariatric Surgery

Go on this handy list of practise options after weight-loss surgery. Download a re-create of our Exercise Options After Bariatric Surgery infographic.

ane. Become for a walk.

You take many options for existence active after surgery. I oftentimes suggest starting with a elementary walking program. Walking is like shooting fish in a barrel and doesn't require any special equipment. Fifty-fifty if all you tin can practise at starting time is walk effectually inside your habitation several times a twenty-four hours, that volition get yous moving and on your fashion to building stamina.

ii. Try swimming, water aerobics and biking.

Swimming and water aerobics are excellent exercise choices, as they are gentle on the joints while providing both aerobic do and strength preparation. Biking is a expert option, too. Call up that you lot can change but virtually any do to meet your needs. As I say to my patients, a modified button-up is even so a push-upward.

iii. After 6 months, become into aerobic activeness and strength training.

In the first vi months afterwards surgery, I recommend 30 minutes of continuous aerobic activity three to 5 days a calendar week. Add some strength preparation action to your routine as well.

One time you've passed the six-month marking, work to increment your concrete movement. Aim for 45 minutes of continuous aerobic activity at least iv days a calendar week, and go on doing some force training.

For certain people, high-intensity training may work better. Your doctor can recommend to you lot the best exercise plan after surgery.

What else should I go along in mind about practise after bariatric surgery?

I remind patients that exercise, like changes in diet, is a tool for a healthy life. Information technology can aid you movement toward your weight-loss goal and aid yous maintain your weight one time you go there. You want practice to become part of your daily routine, so information technology'due south important to find activities you savor.

Don't be afraid to try new things. Did y'all previously avert exercise classes — such every bit yoga, aerobics or kickboxing — because of your weight or co-existing conditions similar arthritis? Now is the time to explore more options like these!

Finally, call up that weight loss is similar a marathon, non a sprint. It takes time, and every day is an opportunity to cover your new lifestyle.

Supporting You lot Throughout Your Weight-Loss Surgery Journeying

The team of specialists who lead our Bariatric Program are at that place to support patients through every step of their bariatric surgery journey.

The starting time step is a free, live virtual seminar led by an experienced Temple bariatric surgeon who will present an overview of weight-loss surgery and the necessary lifestyle changes, such as exercising, that will help ensure a successful journey.

If y'all can't attend our virtual seminar, you lot tin sign up to watch an on-need seminar about bariatric surgery.

Helpful Resources

Looking for more data?

  • Explore the benefits and risks of bariatric surgery
  • Get answers to common questions about the surgery process
  • Lesser-known benefits of bariatric surgery besides losing weight
  • Gastric bypass vs. gastric sleeve procedures
  • Get to know our bariatric surgeons


Source: https://www.templehealth.org/about/blog/how-long-after-bariatric-surgery-can-i-exercise

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