Flip on the boob tube to watch any sort of professional sporting outcome and you're faced with athletic greatness. Athletes are fine-tuned machines, at the elevation of concrete fitness and skill who get paid a lot of perform well, whether on the ice, pitch, field or court. Nevertheless, just watching these athletes do their affair is never plenty. Nosotros also demand to take ex-players and long-time specialists give a play-by-play commentary or 'in-depth' assay during irksome-downs or stoppages in play. When information technology comes to watching professional sports, the athlete-commentator package works well and really lets usa enjoy the event in question.

Of class, problems do ascend from fourth dimension to time. Commentators demand to keep talking because expressionless air is bad air. Over the years y'all've likely get used to the endless clichés and cut-and-paste comments. Of course the quarterback would like to have that interception back. Of course the player who just got hit in the groin "looks like he's in a lot of hurting." Unfortunately, being so high upwardly in that booth means the air is thinner, the brain gets starved for oxygen and things are said which don't really make much sense. Down on the playing surface, everything is generally fine for the athlete every bit long as they keep playing. When the game or match ends and the mic gets shoved into their face, annihilation can happen. Sometimes we just become some generalizations about team effort, bad officiating or the need to give 110%. However, every once in a while we, the sports fans, go a real gem that either puts on the floor in fits of laughter or leaves the states open-mouthed, shaking our caput in disbelief.

The following listing looks at some of these moments past assessing 25 of the near ridiculous and funny statements made by pro-athletes and commentators over the by few decades. We've got a little flake of everything from well-nigh major sports. You'll encounter athletes and commentators grasping with (and declining miserably at) ideas of math, politics, sex, geography and general logic. If you've heard your share of dumb things coming from politicians and cable news 'experts,' why not sit dorsum, relax and take in some gems from the world of sports.

25 25. Bobby Robson

via chroniclelive.co.uk
via chroniclelive.co.uk

"We didn't underestimate them. They were a lot better than nosotros thought."

To start off this list, we'll throw yous an piece of cake one. Sir Bobby Robson is a legend in English language football game and when he finished playing in 1968 he moved onto management. In addition to the England national side, he managed clubs in England, Holland, Portugal and Spain. It's a good affair he knew football because equally the above quote demonstrates, his grasp of the English was less than ideal.

24 24. Greg Norman

via ow.ly - CURTIS COMPTON
via ow.ly - CURTIS COMPTON

"I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and begetter."

The 1-fourth dimension #1 ranked golfer in the world, Greg Norman has 90 professional wins to his credit also equally dozens of trophies and personal awards. To say he knows his way around the Links would be an understatement. To say the Australian, nicknamed The Shark, doesn't go family lineage and titles would be spot on. Now, I know they tin do things a chip differently Down Nether - but what other parents practice you take Greg?

23 23. Alex Rodriguez

 John E. Sokolowski-USA TODAY Sports
John E. Sokolowski-USA TODAY Sports

"Therapy tin can be a skilful matter; it tin be therapeutic."

Oh A-Rod, not y'all likewise? Alex Rodriguez needs no real introduction. It'd be an understatement to say he was a very proficient baseball player even if he was defenseless up in a steroid/HGH scandal. He has batted in nearly 2000 runs*, has nearly 3000 hits*, and over 650 homeruns.* Away from the diamond, withal, even he puts out the odd funny quote. Thankfully A-Rod clears up that therapy is, in fact, therapeutic. If it wasn't we'd have issues. Now, I wonder how he feels nigh playing baseball under a sun which tin can be sunny?

22 22. Ruud Gullit

via www.rnw.nl - ANP Photo DANIELLE BERDEN

"We must have had 99 percentage of the match, it was the other three percent that price us."

Over a twenty-yr playing career, Dutch footballer Ruud Gullit played for several different clubs and tried his manus at the outfield playing positions of defender, midfielder and forrad. Everywhere he went he won league titles or domestic cups. As a managing director he enjoyed considerably less success over several seasons. We can merely assume he didn't do well in math class either. So over again, the 2 extra percentage points could exist a result of injury-time.

21 21. Frank Gifford

via espn.go.com
via espn.go.com

"Pro football is similar nuclear warfare. There are no winners, only survivors."

Did you see who survived the Ravens-Steelers game last night? Or were you too busy watching the Colts survive? Sports personalities are the kings of exaggeration. Enter Frank Gifford, the former New York Giant turned-sportscaster. While others are talking well-nigh giving 110%, 120%, heck, even 150%, Frank is talking almost how the NFL is a weekly nuclear holocaust. Also, the last time we checked they don't manus out Vince Lombardi Trophies to the survivors of nuclear wars.

xx 20. Sherman Douglas

via rcsportscards.com
via rcsportscards.com

"I don't want to shoot my mouth in my foot, only those are games we tin can win."

Sherman Douglas was a point guard who played in the NBA from 1989 to 2001 with the Miami Oestrus, Boston Celtics, Milwaukee Bucks, New Jersey Nets and Los Angeles Clippers. He didn't have a stand out career only he did exit us with this little gem of a quote. In all likelihood, the former pro just mixed up the idioms of 'putting your foot in your rima oris' and 'shooting yourself in the human foot.' All the same, we're intrigued. What would it wait like if Douglas shot his foot into his oral cavity?

19 19. Tito Fuentes

via heartinsf55.mlblogs.com
via heartinsf55.mlblogs.com

"They shouldn't throw at me. I'm the father of 5 or half-dozen kids."

Retired baseball player Tito Fuentes played from 1965 to 1978. During those 13 seasons, the Cuban-born second baseman enjoyed a modest career, getting almost 1500 hits and 438 RBIs. Could he accept done meliorate? Potentially. Afterward all, not knowing how many kids you have tin make for a stressful day at the office. In all seriousness, they probably should stop throwing assurance at him. It sounds like Tito has been hit i also many times.

xviii 18. Tim Sylvia

via allwrestlingsuperstars.com
via allwrestlingsuperstars.com

"I'm the oldest I've e'er been, right now."

For some reason we can only read that line in a Homer Simpson voice. Tim Sylvia might non be Homer Simpson, merely his quote does make us chuckle. Sylvia is an MMA fighter and UFC Champion – so nosotros won't make also much fun of him. He's been active since 2001 and won 31 of his 42 professional MMA bouts. And by the time you finish reading this, you'll be the oldest you've always been, correct now.

17 17. Mike Tyson

via foxsports.com
via foxsports.com

"Fade into Bolivian, I guess."

'Iron' Mike Tyson is ane of the more than colorful characters to grace the professional boxing ring in modern times. He'south known for his killer knockouts, bizarre behaviour and foreign facial tattoos. He'due south gone to prison house and even flake an opponent in the ring, twice in the aforementioned match. Something Tyson is not known for is being smart. Nonetheless, we hear Bolvia can be nice this time of yr which is why we believe the champ chose that location to "fade into" when asked nigh retirement by a reporter.

16 16. Charles Shackleford

via d.lib.ncsu.edu

"I can go right, I can go left, I'm amphibious."

Charles Shackleford didn't have an outstanding NBA career over his half-dozen seasons with the Nets, 76ers, Timberwolves and Hornets. We call up we know why. No, information technology wasn't because he jumped back and forth betwixt European leagues and the NBA. Nor was it because he was just average, at best. Clearly, Shackleford couldn't give his best on the court considering he was always tired from living his hole-and-corner life equally Aquaman. Possibly if he had been ambidextrous, instead of amphibious, the power to employ both hands effectively would have made him a improve player.

15 15. Pedro Guerrero

via dominicanbaseballguy.com
via dominicanbaseballguy.com

"Sometimes they write what I say, not what I mean."

Isn't this simply how information technology e'er works out. We're sure a lot of other sports stars, celebrities and politicians are on board with the former L.A. Dodger and St. Louis Central. For 15 seasons, Guerrero played infield and outfield positions. A World Serial champ, MVP and five time All-Star, the Dominican built-in player had a pretty good career. That said, he conspicuously didn't understand how sports journalism works.

xiv 14. Bob Varsha

via businessinsider.com
via businessinsider.com

"The drivers have one human foot on the brake, one on the clutch and i on the throttle."

While we sat and watched Formula One racing on the at present-defunct Speed Channel, Bob Varsha was clearly watching something else altogether. Nosotros must have all missed information technology, but conspicuously F1 was trying out something with iii-legged drivers for a while. Curse you Bernie Ecclestone – your abiding changes to the rules and regulations mean Varsha will forever be the simply witness to some grade of short-lived mutant racing project.

13 13. Jason Kidd

Benny Sieu-USA TODAY Sports
Benny Sieu-USA TODAY Sports

"We're going to plough this squad around 360 degrees."

Jason Kidd enjoyed a very skillful NBA career. The former point guard won an NBA championship and a string of accolades and personal awards over his 19-year career – too many to list hither. He besides enjoyed success with the national team, taking home five aureate medals. Fans of the clubs he played for are generally grateful for his contribution. Given Kidd'southward understanding of direction, everyone else is grateful he chose a career in basketball game and not as a pilot or a ship's captain.

12 12. Garry Maddox

via memofx.com
via memofx.com

"As I remember it, the bases were loaded."

Between 1972 and 1986, Garry Maddox played center field for the San Francisco Giants and Philadelphia Phillies. A great fielder, Maddox also contributed a bit with his bat, hitting 117 home runs and bringing in 754 runs. After ane game during which he had struck a k-slam, a reporter asked for Maddox'south views on the play. The multi-Golden Glove winning outfielder responded with the quote. Thank you Captain Obvious.

11 11. George Rogers

via georgerogersfoundationsofthecarolinas.org
via georgerogersfoundationsofthecarolinas.org

"I want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first."

George Rogers was a running back who fabricated a name for himself in college and made the All-American team. You know who else was a running back in college and was named to the All-American team? Forrest Gump. Rogers won a Heisman Trophy, Super Bowl Title and was named to the Pro Bowl twice. Gump taught Elvis to trip the light fantastic, won the Medal of Honor and became a millionaire. At present, if you'll alibi me I have to eat dejeuner and dinner, whichever comes outset.

ten 10. Joe Theismann

Matt Cashore-USA TODAY Sports
Matt Cashore-Usa TODAY Sports

"Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."

This whole fourth dimension I thought Albert Einstein'southward brother was Dennis Einstein. Thanks to old NFL and CFL quarterback Joe Theisman, that's all cleared up now. The Super Bowl champ and NFL MVP had ane of those classic 'dumb athlete' moments when he messed up the proper noun of probably the most famous 'genius' the modern world has e'er known. In any event, the statement couldn't be whatsoever truer and Theisman showed that he was no exception.

nine 9. Dennis Rodman

via athletepromotions.com
via athletepromotions.com

"Chemical science is a class y'all take in high school or college, where you figure out two plus two is ten, or something."

Former professional basketball player Dennis Rodman is known for his sometimes farthermost 'fashion' and bizarre behaviour. He was, however, a adept forward during his NBA career and led the league in rebounds per game from 1991 to 1998. You lot'd think keeping a count of the number of rebounds, watching the shot clock or maintaining the three-second rule in the key would assist Rodman's math – apparently not. There'due south just so much wrong with this ane-liner that we'll let you effigy it out.

eight 8. Karl Malone

Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
Derick East. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports

"I ain't gonna be no escape-goat."

Spaceships take escape pods, submarines have escape hatches and prisoners have escape-tunnels. Two-fourth dimension MVP and 14-time All-Star basketball thespian Karl Malone beats them all with his very ain escape-goat. Yes, we know what he means merely it's just also funny to picture a caprine animal (maybe dressed upwards in tactical gear to suit the part) busting out of the arena with the vi-foot, 9-inch ability forwards hanging on for dear life.

vii 7. Chad Ochocinco

REUTERS/Joe Giza (United states of america SPORT Football game)

"I'm travelling to all 51 states to see who can stop 85."

Erstwhile NFLer Republic of chad Johnson was an achieved All-Star wide receiver. He could take hold of the ball and he could run. In front of the camera and on social media he always put on a bear witness. Nevertheless, when it came to numbers and math, the 36-twelvemonth-old was not equally accomplished. Showtime off, in that location are only 50 states in the practiced ol' US of A. 2d, we all know your name change was to reflect your jersey number. But one problem; 85 in Spanish in 'ochenta y cinco.'

6 6. Terrell Owens

Kelley L Cox-USA TODAY Sports
Kelley L Cox-USA TODAY Sports

"Don't say I don't get forth with my teammates. I just don't go along with some of the guys on the team."

TO'south 15 year NFL career may be backside him now but his showboating and massive ego will forever be linked to the game. Whether working out in his driveway while television crews filmed him or standing in the heart of the star on the Cowboys' habitation field in defiance of the fans, Owens was always at the centre of the story or controversy. Nonetheless, he had his own Derek Zoolander moment when asked about friction with other squad members. Nosotros guess he could mean the mascot, h2o boy and cheerleaders – they are technically part of the squad, right?